Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Monday 09 May 1898
Serious Allegation against the Police.
At Doncaster on Saturday, Wm. Lidster, collier, Conisborough was charged on remand with stealing three fowls, the property of John Wm. Webster, of Edlington on the 30th April. The police arrested another man, in whose house they found two of the missing fowls. This man pleaded guilty, and on Monday was sent to prison for a month.
At the time he said Lidster had nothing with the affair. When the police went to Lidster they told him to take his coat off, and they stated that they found a feather in one of the pockets. Lidster stoutly maintainel his innocence and said the police put the feather his pocket.
He now called witnesses to show that he was at the Star Hotel, Conisborough, where, it was said, the fowls were taken.
He was discharged.