Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Monday 04 June 1888
Serious Trap Accident at Conisborough
A serious accident happened recently to horse and trap belonging to Mr. Slater, landlord of the Reresby Arms, Denaby Main, as it was being driven along the road near Conisborough Castle.
The horse, which is a young and spirited one, took fright at the noise of a train suddenly dashing out of Conisborough tunnel, and immediately set off. In the trap were William Biggs, the son of Mr. Senescall, landlord of the Station Hotel, Conisborough, and companion.
The horse bolted in the direction of Denaby, and it was impossible to pull it up. The occupants, however, managed to turn his course to the side of the road, where both horse and trap soon came to grief in the ditch.
The three men were violently thrown out, and Biggs sustained such injuries as to necessitate the immediate attendance of the doctor. He is now confined his bed.
The two lads sustained severe shocks, and were much bruised and scratched, but their hurts were not severe as those of the driver.