Shocking Affair at Conisborough – Father Killed In Sight Of Reservist Sons.

December 1899

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Thursday 14 December 1899

Shocking Affair at Conisborough.

Father Killed In Sight Of His Reservist Sons.

A shocking and very painful fatality occurred at Conisborough Station on the Great Central Railway yesterday morning.

A man named James Prenderfifast, aged 64, was on the platform with his three sons, who are reservists of the York and Lancaster, and who were going to rejoin the regiment at Pontefract.

It stated that some lads were snow-balling the platform, and in putting up his arm to ward one off, the unfortunate man stepped back and slipped off the platform on the line just as a goods train was entering the station. It was utterly impossible to save the deceased, who was run over and instantly killed. The body was shockingly mangled, one leg being completely severed.

Two of the sons proceeded their journey naturally greatly distressed, whilst the other remained behind.

The deceased was exceedingly well-known and highly respected in Conisborough, and the affair has caused a profound sensation. The body was removed to the Station Hotel.