Shocking Death of a Denaby Man – Falls Sixty Feet Into a Quarry.

September 1902

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 26 September 1902

Shocking Death of a Denaby Man.

Falls Sixty Feet Into a Quarry.

On Saturday night a terrible accident befel a Denny Main man at Mansfield.

John McLoughlin went on a visit to Mansfield on Friday, where he stayed at a friend’s house. The next day he spent in Mansfield, and it is surmised that the evening be was making his way back to his friends’s house, but took the wrong turn. It is thought that he wandered in the vicinity of Pembroke-Street, which immediately overlooks Rock Valley, a precipice of the depth of over 60 feet.

Whether he got on to the Stanhope cricket and football ground is not quite clear, although this point will probably be settled at the Coroner’s inquiry.

It is surmised, however, that on finding himself going the wrong way he was attracted by the lights on the opposite side of the valley, and that in making towards them he fell over the precipitous cliff into the quarry below.

The unfortunate man was found in a dying condition after eight o’clock on Sunday morning, and death took place shortly after his admission to the hospital.

Deceased leaves a widow and one child.