Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 10 October 1890
Singular Accident to a Conisborough Lady
On Monday morning an accident befel Mrs. T. B. Simpson, of Conisborough, under peculiar circumstances. Between nine and ten o’clock she visited the wife of a glassblower near to her residence, who for some time has been ailing, and who been the recipient during her illness of Mrs. Simpson’s kindness.
By some means or other as Mrs. Simpson passed through the living room her clothing caught fire, but with commendable presence of mind, rather than disturb the sick person she ran out into the street and into an adjoining butcher’s shop, where by means of water, the flames were put out.
We are pleased to state that Mrs. Simpson was not dangerously burnt, though she suffers from shock to the system. She is under medical treatment.