Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Thursday 07 February 1918
At Doncaster, yesterday, Robert Thompson, cowman, of Conisborough Lodge Cottages , and Elizabeth Allen, married woman, with whom he had been living, were charged with cruelty to two children, one the illegitimate son of the female prisoner and the other legitimate.
Mr. W. Baddiley, for the N.S.P.C.C., said the woman was separated from her husband and formerly lived near York. She had been living at Conisborough about 12 months. The two children were George, aged 6 years and 10 months, the illegitimate son, and Edith 24 years old.
Inspector Lloyd (N.S.P.C.C.) proved that on February 1st he saw the boy. He was badly nourished, dirty, verminous and insufficiently clad. He was bruised and had a sore on his heel. His boots were in a poor condition. Witness afterwards saw the girl. who was poorly nourished, verminous, and her clothes were filthy.
The Chairman (Mr. E. Walker Jackson) described it as a very shocking case, and the magistrates had decided to commit the prisoners to prison for six months with hard labour.