Slate Damage

May 1902

Mexborough and Swinton Times May 9, 1902

Slate Damage

James Sutherland (14), residing with his dad at Denaby, appeared in to answer a summons issued by the Denaby Main Colliery Company, charging him with having damaged a number of slates at the first mention place on April 27.

Mr Baddeley appeared to prosecute, and in stating the facts, said that a man named Baines was the occupier of the field at the back of Annerley Street, and to that field the backs of the houses extended.

On going to the field on the date in question, Baines, who was accompanied by his son, saw the defendant upon the top of a coal house, and engaged in breaking a number of slates with his boots. When he had broken them he threw them up on the ground. After having kept observations upon it for some time, Baines dispatched his son and told him to inform the company’s watchman of what had taken place. Altogether he broke five slates committing damage to the extent of 5s.

Stephen Baines gave evidence corroborating the statement of counsel.

An inclusive penalty of 20s was imposed which included 5s damage and the costs of the hearing of the case 13s 6d.