Slaughtering Offences – Conanby Men Fined

March 1946

South Yorkshire Times March 2 , 1946.

Slaughtering Offences.
Conanby Men Fined.

Fines and costs totalling £20 6s. were imposed at Doncaster West Riding Court on Tuesday on Bob Stacey (43), miner, of Conanby, Conisborough, for offences connected with the slaughter of pigs.

He was fined a total of £14 in three summonses for slaughtering pigs without the necessary licences and £2 for supplying 18lbs. Of ham to George William Bacon (49), miner, Conanby. Stacey was ordered to pay £6 6s. Costs. Bacon was fined £2 and £1 1s. costs for unlawfully obtaining the ham.
Mr. F.C. Scorah, prosecuting, said that on December 18th Insp. Schofield saw Bacon at Conisborough carrying a sack containing 18lbs. Of ham and a pig’s head. He said he had got them from Stacey and he admitted that he had not surrendered the necessary coupons and said: ‘I wanted something for a funeral.’

Stacey, when seen, admitted selling the ham for £2, with the pig’s head free, and admitted killing without a licence. At first he said it was at an allotment, but when it was found that there were no facilities for slaughtering there he said he had killed it at a slaughter house belongings to another man.
There the police found five freshly-killed pigs hanging up, having been slaughtered by Stacey. Stacey admitted one had been cured about a month before. The meat, which was impounded, weighed 519 lbs. of pork and was valued at about £26.

In a statement, Stacey said he had killed for local pigkeepers and he regretted taking advantage of local butchers, who had trusted him at the slaughter-house.

Mr. Scorah said Stacey had rendered himself liable to a fine of £500.

Mr. D. Dunn, defending, said that Stacey had been a butcher before he fell on bad times and went to a pit to work. He retained a slaughter man’s licence and his services were enlisted from time to time by people who kept pigs. The pigs were taken to the slaughter house loaned to Stacey, who had found himself with small pigs which he was unable to maintain. Without obtaining a licence to slaughter, he had decided to slaughter them for himself instead of selling them.

Regarding Bacon, his father died in the middle of December and arrangements were made for ‘a rather splendid funeral.’ With the catering difficulty, Bacon asked Stacey to help Bacon out and he handed the ham to him.