Smallpox and Middens

February 1927

Mexborough & Swinton Times, February 11, 1927

Smallpox and Middens

A fortnight ago I mentioned the symptoms of the present epidemic of smallpox and threw out a suggestion that the notices which the council were to post should tell the people what to look for. In the interim the notices appeared, but they only told us where to go to be vaccinated and not to attend public functions.

I observed that the Mexborough Medical Officer, with the authority of the Mexborough Urban District Council last week issued such notices as were suggested for Conisborough. It is not too late for our residents to put in possession of the facts and I hope that at their meeting this week our Council has decided to do this. I have heard so many stories of the doings of persons in the district who most unwillingly have mixed among others whilst having the disease that it is a duty to broadcast the symptoms.

Exactly how many cases we have had to date I do not know but during the month of January 13 cases of smallpox were noticed and dealt with. In addition there were four cases of diphtheria, one of enteric and to have scarlet fever.

It is pleasing to note the progress which has been made in respect to the conversion of middens, and this should reflect itself in better health. I find that the drains are in for 1007 conversions and that 939 have been completed. There are many who would like to see the older portion of Conisborough receiving more attention in this respect.