Soldier – Cartwright I. – Good News

March 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 21 March 1942

Good News

Mrs. Cartwright of 13, Warmsworth Street, Denabv Main, was notified recently that her husband. Sgt. I. Cartwright, was reported missing from January 28th.

On Saturday she received good news that had been located, but they had no further news at the moment. She is now anxiously awaiting further news.

Sgt. Cartwright was recalled at the outbreak of war, and was sent to Guernsey and later was on his way to France, when they were recalled just before Dunkirk; he has been in the Middle East for the last 12 months.

His brother. Pte. Edward Cartwright is in the Tank Corps and another brother, Spr Frank Cartwright, is in the Royal Engineers.

They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs F. Cartwright, of 92, Doncaster Road. Denaby Main.