Soldier – Crompton J.W. – Killed In Action (picture)

July 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 11 July 1942

Killed In Action.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Crompton, of 1, Near Lane, Meltham, near Huddersfield (and late of Conisbrough) have been officially informed of the death of their son, Gnr J. W. Crompton, who was killed in action on May 27th.

Gnr. Crompton, before enlistment in the Territorials, was employed by a firm of haulage contractors at Conisbrough, and at the outbreak of the war was transferred to the Royal Artillery. He had been in the Middle East forover 12 months.

From C.W.G.C.:

Gunner John William Crompton

Service Number: 1460598
Regiment & Unit/Ship Royal Artillery 171 Bty., 57 Lt. A.A. Regt.

Date of Death: Died 27 May 1942
Age 22 years old

Buried or commemorated at ALAMEIN MEMORIAL Column 34. Egypt

Additional Info
Son of John William and Mabel Crompton, of Meltham, Yorkshire.