Soldier – Herberts, Charles – In Jap Hands (picture)

November 1942

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 21 November 1942

In Jap Hands

After a silence of more than a year, Mr. and Mrs. C. Herberts, of 1, Chambers Avenue. Conanby, have received news that their son. Sergnt. Charles Herberts, R.A., is a prisoner In Japanese hands.

It is two years since Mr. and Mrs. Herberts saw their son, and the last letter received from him was dated October, 1941, when he was in Malaya. It is presumed that he was still in Malaya when it fell to the Japanese.

The official intimation does not indicate when he was taken prisoner or where he is held.

Sere. Herbert/ was a reservist and had been in the Army since the outbreak of war. Before the war he was a corporal at Denaby Colliery, and was well-known in Conisbrough where he was the secretary of the St. Andrew’s Mission football team.