Soldier – Portrey G.L. – Officer Safe (picture)

August 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 29 August 1942

Officer Safe

Mr. and Mrs. C. Portrey, of May-Lyne, Minneymoor, Conisbrough, who previously had news that their son, 2nd Lieut. G. L. Portrey, was missing In the Middle East, have this week had news from the War Office that he is a prisoner of war in Italian hands.

2nd Lieut. Portrey was educated at Conisbrough Middle School and Mexborough Technical institute. He was on the surveying staff at the Cadeby Colliery. He joined up at the outbreak of the war.

This week a card has been received from Lieut. Portray saying he is perfectly well. He asks his parents not to worry and sends love to all his friends.