Soldier – Starr. George – Promotion (picture)

June 1942

South Yorkshire Times, June 28th 1942


Mr. George Starr, of 93, Doncaster Road. Conisbrough, has gained rapid promotion in the Army, and has now been promoted Captain. He joined the Yorkshire Dragoons as a trooper before the outbreak of war, and was drafted out to the Middle East.

He had not been out there long before he was commissioned with the rank of 2nd Lieut.

He is now O.C. a Salvage Corps, and his recent promotion is the reward of outstanding ability.

Captain Starr will be remembered for his many activities in the social life of Conisbrough. He was a member of the Operatic Society. He was also chairman of Conisbrough Junior Imperial League, and when Conisbrough Church had a cricket team was its captain.