Soldiers – Anderson Brothers – Good record (pictures)

November 1941

South Yorkshire Times, November 29, 1941.

Good Record

Mr and Mrs Anderson of 111, Loversall Street, Denaby Main sends us photographs of their four sons war with the forces, and wished to see them along with the lads in our “gallery”

the eldest son, trooper Ernest Anderson (25) is married and lives at 51, Doncaster road, Denaby Main. He was called up in July 1940 and is now serving in India. Before enlistment he was a miner at Cadeby colliery.

The second son, private Charles Anderson, also worked at Cadeby colliery, and was called up with the first batch of militia in 1939. After serving in France he was taken prisoner and is now in Germany. He is 22.

The third son Leslie, was employed at Mexborough brickworks and volunteered for service in December 1940, and is serving in England. He is 19.

The fourth one, Albert, aged 18. worked underground at Cadeby colliery and volunteered in August this year for the army.

Mr and Mrs Anderson have five sons and four are with the forces, a good record.