Soldiers – Richards, Gladys & Derrick – Sister & Brother Serving (picture)

June 1942

South Yorkshire Times, June 28th 1942

Sister and Brother Serving

Private Gladys Richards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richards, of 10, Claremont Terrace, Conisbrough, is serving in the A.T.S. and has just returned to her camp after spending her first leave at home.

Gladys, who is in the stores branch of the A.T.S. is enthusiastic about life in the services and likes her job, worked at the Sickle Works before joining up.

Her brother, Leading Gunner Derrick Richards, is in the Royal Navy, and has been having a rough time recently. A ship he was serving in was sunk some time ago, and Derrick had to spend over two hours in the water before being rescued. After a period in hospital he was posted to another ship, which was also damaged, and he is now recuperating at a rest camp. He has been in the Navy for five years, two of which were spent on the China Station, and it is now over two years since he was home on leave.

The father is also working away from home on Government work.