Soldiers Thanks – Letters to Comforts Fund Treasurer

September 1940

Mexborough & Swinton Times, September 14

Soldiers Thanks

Evidence of how far flung are the outposts at which Conisborough and Denaby men are serving in the Forces was forthcoming at the Council Offices on Monday, when Mr. R. W. Birch, treasurer of the Urban Council´s Central Comforts Fund received two letters of thanks for gifts made from the fund in the last distribution at Whitsuntide.

One letter was from Pte. T. Woodward, 121, Doncaster Road, Denaby, a regimental nursing orderly in Burma and the other from L/Col. J. E. Jackson, Pope Avenue, Conanby, who is also in the East. Pte.

Woodward writes to say that Army life is a grand life and that his particular work is very interesting. “It teaches us everything in first aid, fractures, fevers and isolation cases”, he adds.

L/Col Jackson remarks that the Councils gift “goes to prove that wherever the local serving members are serving in the Empire we are not forgotten”. He also mentioned “Hoping you all had a jolly good time at Whitsuntide.”








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