Soldiers – Venables, Kenneth & Dorothy – Brother and Sister Serving

September 1942

South Yorkshire Times, September 19, 1942

Brother and Sister Serving

Mr. R. Venables, a Conisbrough business man, has his only son and one of his daughters serving in the Forces.

Kenneth Venables at the age of 17, volunteered before the outbreak of war and joined the Royal Engineers. When war threatened he volunteered for overseas duty. He went over to Brest. Kenneth was engaged in destroying bridges in the retreat from Dunkirk. After a few weeks respite in England, he found himself in Egypt and now his father has been informed that he has been taken prisoner. He is 20.

Dorothy, his sister, who is 22, is in the A.T.S. In pre-war days she was a nurse at Birkenhead and later at Halifax. While in the Forces she met a Scotch Quartermaster Sergeant whom she married 12 months ago.