Soldier’s Wife Assaulted.    

August 1918

Mexborough and Swinton Times August 24, 1918

Soldier’s Wife Assaulted.           

Lucy Webb, wife of a soldier, looked a very pitiable object as she stood in the witness box at Doncaster on Tuesday to prefer a charge of assault against Joseph Barrett, miner, Denaby.

Both her eyes were black, and her face was battered and bruised. There was a cross summons. She lives at 17 Cusworth St and said her husband had been in the army over 17 years.

On August 15 her daughter made a complaint to her about Mrs Barrett’s daughter, and complainant went to talk to Mrs Barrett. While she was doing that defendant came, called her names, and struck her in the face several times. She was insensible for 20 minutes, and when she spoke to him he said she would fetch her husband he would do the same to him.

She denied that she touched defendant or give him any provocation, but defendant alleged great provocation. He said he was a discharged soldier, and owing to delicate health was only able to put in three shifts a week. He complained that complainant struck the child and bit and he tried to shove her away. He admitted he lost his temper and struck her. He could not say how she got her bruises.

The Chairman (Mr Jade diamond) said the customers would be dismissed. Defendant ought to be ashamed of himself. He was fined £3 or one month in prison