South Yorkshire and the Hull Coal Trade – The Miners’ “Stop” Week

April 1892

Sheffield Independent – Thursday 07 April 1892

South Yorkshire and the Hull Coal Trade.

The Miners’ “Stop” Week and the Traffic

The effects of the miners’ “stop” week on the exportation of South Yorkshire coal from Hull, is shown by the official return, which was issued yesterday. The quantity of coal imported does not show so large a decrease as was expected, but there is a marked falling off in the exports.

The total quantity of coal which entered Hull last month was 142,072 tons, against 140,432 tons in the corresponding month of 1891, the decrease being 7,360 tons. When compared with the tonnage sent in the month of February, the quantity forwarded last month shows a decrease of 11,200 tons.

The quarter’s working shows a falling off to the extent of over 4000 tons. The exports daring the past quarter only reached 2,830 tons, against 13,390 tons last year. The falling off last month in the coal sent to Germany was also most striking. Last month only 3,243 tons were forwarded, against 13,874 in March, 1891, whilst 3,500 less was sent than was exported in the month of February last. About 3,000 tons less was sent to Sweden and Norway, but the quantity exported to France last month was 6,027 tons, against 1,721 tons.

The first position on the list is again held by Denaby Main, Thorncliffe takes the second place, and Manvers Main ranks third. The returns show .the quantity of coal sent by the leading South York- shire firms during last month and in the course of last quarter as compared with the corresponding periods of 1891 :—