Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Wednesday 11 April 1888
South Yorkshire Collieries and The Hull Coal Trade.
The official return of coals taken to Hull from each colliery in South and West Yorkshire daring March has just been issued. A tonnage of 130,016 compared with 140,636 for the corresponding month of last year showing a decrease of 10,520 tons. There has, however, been a large increase during the quarter compared with the first three months of last year.
From- January to March of this year them was tonnage of 379,684 as against 361,352 tons in the corresponding quarter last year, being an increase of 18,232 tons.
Denaby Main beads the list with 11,432 tons as against 15,288 in March of last year. During the quarter the tonnage from Denaby Main has been 18,416, against 42,256 in the corresponding quarter of last year.
Carlton Main is next on the list with 7,920 tons, and then come Manvers Main 7,864, Allerton Main 6,448, Wharncliffe Silkstone 6,288, and Thrybergh Hall 6,403 tons.
The quantity of coal exported was 43,929 tons, as against 70,656 tons in March, 1887, being a decrease 26,728 tons. The exports for the quarter ending March also show a decrease as compared with the first quarter 1887.
129.765 tons have been exported during the past three months, against 150,431 from January to March of 1887— decrease 79,334 tons. Germany heads the list with 11,239 tons, Sweden and Norway come next with 7,499 tons, and Italy third with 5,665 tons.