Stabbing at a Farmer in Conisborough

September 1882

Mexborough and Swinton Times, September 15.

Stabbing at a Farmer in Conisborough

Arthur Beever, sickle maker, of Conisborough, was charged with assaulting John Fowler, farmer, in that village on Friday week.

Mr Hall appeared for the farmer, an elderly man, who said:

“I have supplied Beevers with butter, and he owed me 2s 6d (12.5p) and when his little boy came for butter yesterday – week I kept two shillings out of a coin he gave me.”

Then Beevers came and asked me if I had had the money. I said ‘Yes’ and he stabbed at me with a knife. I step back, and he stabbed me again, and the end of the knife went through my waistcoat; and when he said he would stab me again if I didn’t give him the money, I gave it to him – because I wasn’t going to have that.”

His wife now appeared and said, “He’s gone away, and I don’t care if I never sees him no more.”

A warrant was granted for his arrest.