Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 11 August 1893
Stealing 10 shillings at New Denaby
George Wain, miner, Denaby Main, was charged with feloniously stealing 10s. the property of Lavinia Willows, widow, of New Conisborough.
Lavinia Willows said she was a widow and lived in Thornhill street, New Denaby. She left home on Saturday last at 10 o’clock in the forenoon. Witness gave her daughter two half-sovereigns to pay her bill with. She left home home at 8 o’clock p.m. Her daughter complained to her that she had lad half-a-sovereign. Prisoner was not present. He was in the habit of coming to her house. Defendant had several times seen her place money under some oilcloth on the top of the drawers, It was witness’s custom to place money there when had anything to spare.
Sarah Ann Willows, daughter of the previous witness, said she lived with her mother. Her mother went away on Saturday and left her in charge of two half sovereigns to pay the grocery bill. Witness first placed the money in a teapot inside the cupboard, but she afterwards removed it to the oilcloth. At a quarter to five in the evening she closed the door and went for a walk along with Rose Davidson to the top of the street. When they were returning they again met Wain, who said “Your house is empty.” Witness said “Is the door open,’ to which he replied in the affirmative. When witness got home she found the half-sovereign missing and the oilcloth was turned up.
Rose Davidson said she was staying with last witness on the day in question to keep her company whilst her mother was away. She corroborated the previous witness’s evidence, and added that the prisoner came to their house drunk about 8 o’clock. Whilst defendant was in the house a hawker came to the door with some pinafores and several other articles for sale. Wain said that if there were any pinafores that would fit her,(meaning the little girl Davidson) witness had to get one and he would pay for it. Witness did so and defendant pulled a half a-sovereign out of his pocket to pay for the pinafore, which cost 1s. 2d. Witness paid for it and gave the change back to the defendant. Last Tuesday the defendant stated that he had no money, as he had to borrow a shilling from his master.
Robert Davidson corroborated the evidence of the previous witness
Police constable Trueman deposed to seeing the prisoner in the Glasshouse yard. He charged him with stealing half a sovereign from Mrs. Willows last Saturday, to which the defendant replied he was never in their house that night.” He was in the Station Hotel, Conisborough, at twenty minutes to five. In answer to the charge defendant replied that he was not guilty.
Eliza Hodgkinson, hawker, Garden street, Mexborough, said she saw defendant in Davidson’s house about 8 o’clock. Witness did not see me give Rose Davidson the half. sovereign to pay for the pinafore, nor did she see Rose Davidson give prisoner any change back.
William Hully said that Wain was with him at the Station Hotel between 4 and 5 o o’clock
The Bench said they found prisoner guilty of stealing the money, but they would not impose a heavy penalty. Sent to Wakefield for 14 days.