Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 12 October 1900
Stealing Apples at Ravenfield.
Benjamin Stones, of Denaby, was summoned by George Osborne for stealing apples at Ravenfield, on the 27th September
The prosecutor stated that on Thursday afternoon, the 27th September, the defendant was brought to him by Mr. Bosvile, who had seen him taking apples, the witness’s property. The defendant when brought brought to him said that he did not know that he was doing any in taking them, as the apples had fallen on road where the tree hang over.
The defendant gave his name and address as Benjamin Jones 28. Loversall Street, New Conisborongh.
Mr T B Bosville stepped down from the magistrate bench, and deposed to seeing the defendant take the apples.
The defendant, here addressing the bench, said it was quite right what the witnesses had said, but he did not know that it was stealing them.
The defendant admitted that he had been three times convicted for stealing at Doncaster, and once for wilful damage, and was fined 5s and the costs.