Mexborough Times, May 15th
Louis and Lionel Stones, R.A.M.C
The brothers Louis and Lionel Stones, aged 24 and 21 respectively, sons of Mr and Mrs Stones, of 4 Wheatley Street, Denaby main, were members of the St John’s ambulance Brigade, and on the outbreak of war immediately offered their services for the expeditionary force.
They left all on 11 August and landed in France on the 14th, thus been amongst the first to reach the seat of the war. They have since been doing duty in the R.A.M.C., 4th Field ambulance, second division.
They have been continually in the firing line, their work being to rescue the wounded from the trenches as expeditiously as possible, which is in itself a precarious undertaking.
Bothwrite cheerfully, and treat their narrow escapesquite lightly. Louis, the elder, has had a check put on a very promising career by the war, he being the possessor of numerous prizes, diplomas and certificates for life-saving, and various other merits.
Louis Stones
Lionel Stones