Story of Lost Violin

July 1922

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 29 July 1922

Story of Lost Violin

At Doncaster West Riding Police Court on Tuesday, Albert Marsden, of Mexborough, told the Magistrates how he came to lose a violin, for which he had given £11.

He was asked by a miner named Hollis, who was then working at Denaby, how many violins he had. When complainant told him he had two, and Hollis, who was charged with stealing the instrument, suggested that one should be lent to him.

“I will give you a lesson every month while I have the violin,” said Hollis.

After about two months Hollis ceased to come near the house. When spoken to about the instrument he said he would return it, as he probably be getting work at Hickleton, where he should not need it as the band there was a brass band. It was explained to the Bench that Hollis ultimately sold the violin which the Bolton Police had not been able to recover.

Hollis did not appear to answer this charge, and the Magistrates decided to issue a warrant for his arrest.