Straining The Water

November 1967

South Yorkshire Times November 25, 1967

Straining The Water

Domestic routine in Conisbrough was upset at the weekend when housewives turned on their water taps to find the water replaced by   thick deposits of silt.

Church Street appeared to be the worst affected when the silt, a result of a water main reinforcement plan adopted by the Doncaster and District Water Board held up everyday household activities in certain parts of the Village Many inhabitants of Church Street, like Mr. Stan Coe,owner of a shoe shop, were forced to strain the water through gauze strips in order to enjoy a cup of tea. The problem started when work began on water mains in the Garden Lane area of Conisbrough and the silt made its appearance two weeks ago.

At that time, Mr. J. Urch of Church Street, complained to the local Council, but the situation had cleared up when Water Board representatives made their inspection. When the sediment became worse this weekend. Mr. A. E. Maxfield, owner of a confectionery shop in the affected Street reported it to the Authorities. A spokesman for the Doncaster and District Water Board told the “South Yorkshire Times” this week: “On Friday, workmen were carrying out a valve operation on the mains in Gardens Lane, which would alter the direction of the water flow.

This has evidently stirred up the sediment in the bottom of the mains, which remains there during normal flow up . We expect the situation will return to normal within the next few days.”