South Yorkshire Times March 30, 1957
Strife Over Bird Seed
Conisbrough Husbands Violence
A Conisbrough contact us struck his wife in the eye and dragged her by her hair from the kitchen into the front room, and, said Chief Inspector P.E.Vaughan at Doncaster West Riding Ct on Tuesday, it was all because some seed had not arrived for the man’s budgerigars.
The contractor, Levi Horne (40) of Parkgate Avenue, Conisbrough, said to be earning £18 a week, pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm to his 36 year old wife Emma. He was fined £10 and bound over for a year.
Levi told the magistrates he had decided to drop his defence and his wife and said she wanted to keep the family together. The inspector said Horne had 12 previous convictions, and had been guilty of using violence on several occasions.
Inspector Vaughan said the incident occurred in August 26 when Horne’s son Brian (12) and daughter Irene (14) were in the house. He said Horne went to strike his son and his wife intervened so he struck her. Mrs Horne, said the inspector, ran from the house with her daughter to a neighbour’s house where she collapsed.