Strike and “Dole” – Denaby Mineworkers Contest Decision

September 1955

South Yorkshire Times September 24, 1955

Strike and “Dole”
Denaby Mineworkers Contest Decision

the case of Denaby Main non-face workers who did not get that unemployment pay when the face workers went on strike just after Easter, was taken up at Mexborough Labour Exchange yesterday.

When the miners went on strike the non-face miners, including contractors, haulage men, waste men, rippers and back rippers, went to work but had to be sent home because there was no work for them.

It is alleged that the non-face workers at Manvers Main, Cadeby and Eglinton collieries in the same position received unemployment pay but the men of Denaby were refused at a tribunal shortly after the strike.

An appeal was made and the second day of Denaby Main NUM branch (County Councillor George Hanson) conduct the case before the Ministry of Labour yesterday afternoon.

There are 450 men involved