Struck by Arrow – 11 Year old in Court

September 1946

South Yorkshire Times September 21, 1946

Struck by Arrow

When an 11-year-old Denaby boy was accused at Doncaster West Riding court on Wednesday of inflicting grievous bodily harm on a seven years old Denaby girl, it was alleged that the girl was injured in the eye by an arrow shot from an improvised ow of thin Willow came.

The cane was dismissed under the Probation of Offenders act, and the boy ordered to pay 35s. costs.

Sergt. Ritchie said that on August 27th., two boys, both with improvised bows and arrows, were playing near the girls home. The girl and a few friends, aged eight, came out, and were only a few yards away when the accused boy took aim with the bow and arrow and struck the girl on the left eyeball.

The injury necessitated hospital treatment and she was detained with severe haemorrhage. In a statement to the police the boy said that he was aiming at a post.