Mexborough and Swinton Times May 5 1916
A Conisbrough Businessman
Struck By Lightning
A sensation was caused on Saturday afternoon when the news spread that Mr Herbert Downing, removal contractor, Burcroft, Conisborough, a well-known businessman, had been struck by lightning.
On visiting his home, Mr Downing gave a graphic account of his miraculous escape from death. He had gone with his furniture van to remove the goods from a cottage occupied by Mr Davidson, 24, old Edlington.
At the height of the storm, about 5:30 PM, Mr Downing was standing in the passage. Suddenly he felt a heavy blow, and became unconscious. Mr Davidson ran for help, thinking Mr Downing was killed. The latter, however, soon regained consciousness. He was stunned and helpless for some time. His left arm and leg were discoloured. Later, he was able to proceed home.
Mr Downing is naturally of strong fizzy, yet the shock to his system was to been severe, and his medical adviser has ordered him to take a week’s complete rest from business, a precaution which he has wisely followed.
The paper was stripped, from the walls of the cottage, and the fireplaces and back window frame were blown from their positions.