Sudden Termination of a Prize-Fight At Conisbro’

September 1899

Sheffield Independent – Monday 04 September 1899

Sudden Termination of a Prize-Fight At Conisbro’

At the West Riding Police Court, on Saturday, Daniel Edwards, miner, and Abraham Cranage, fitter, of New Conisbro’, were summoned for committing a breach of the peace by fighting at Conisbro’, on the 20th ult.; they were also summoned, along with Richard Dunlavy, Michael Dalton, Joseph Charles Steward, George Barlow, and Arthur Sudworth, for wilful damage to a hedge on the same day.

On the day named Sergeant Brown and two constables were near Conisbro’ crags, when they saw a crowds of about forty persons, including the defendants.

A prize- fight had been arranged, the principals being Edwards and Cranage. When the police were seen the men decamped, bursting through a hedge in order to escape.

The officers pursued and caught several men.The defendants each had to pay 1s. fine, 6d. damages and 6s. 6d. costs.