Tactics at Denaby – Got His Blow in First

January 1933

South Yorkshire Times, January 13th, 1933

Tactics at Denaby

Got His Blow in First

An assault in the Denaby Main Hotel on December 27th resulted on Tuesday at Doncaster in Willian Brown (22), miner, 5, Wadworth Street, Denaby Main, being summoned for the offence by James Park, 1 Scawby Street, Denaby Main.

Park told the magistrates that on the day in question he was employed at the hotel as a waiter, when Brown came in for a drink.  Witness asked him to wait until he had fulfilled a provisions order. Brown commenced arguing and without warning lashed out with his fist knocking witness unconscious.  “When I came round, I asked him what he had done it for.”  Brown still wanted to fight but was turned out of the hotel.  He was not drunk.  Witness added that he had to go to Fullerton Hospital for treatment the same night.

William Hingley, 138, Doncaster Road, Denaby Main, who was standing near the pair when the assault took place, said “They were arguing the toss about something, and then Brown knocked Park out.”  Hingley said this was the first disturbance he had known at the hotel in the last two years.

Brown said he was guilty under provocation.  He alleged that Park, when asked civilly, refused to accept the order.  This had been going on for four weeks.  “He said he was going to bump me on the nose, so I hit him first.”

The Chairman, (Mr. Shiffner): You seem to be a bit of a nuisance.  This is a provoked assault.  Keep your fists to yourself or else you will land in prison. You must pay 40s.

The Clerk: And how are you going to pay?  I understand the police are going to arrest you now because you have not paid the 20s you were fined last month.

Brown said he could not pay until the week-end.

Mr. Shiffner: You will have to do it. Pay the 20s this week-end and 40s in fourteen days   If that is not done, you will go to prison.