Tampering with Lamp – Might Have Caused Fearful Explosion

February 1912

Mexborough and Swinton Times February 17, 1912

Tampering with Electric Lamp

Might Have Caused a Fearful Explosion

Edward Stoppard, engaged as a haulage hand at Denaby Main, was charged a breach of special rule 12 the 90s of January.

Mr Allen explained that the defendant had done one of the most dangerous things possible in the mine, and might have caused a fearful explosion. On January 19, the boy, larking with another boy, unscrewed an electric globe, which he had taken from its outer casing, another glass globe, and in attempting to replace it, fused the wire, and the boy incidentally received a very severe shock of hundred and 10 V. There was enough spark by that fuse to fire a dozen mines. The flash caused by the fusing might have exploded the mine.

Defendant admitted the offence. His sister said that they depend upon the boy, whose father and not work for three years.

Mr Allen: How is that?

The sister: He can’t get work. His hair is white.

Mr Allen: He could get work perhaps if he went to the pit.

The sister: Perhaps. You can’t get on at the pit if your hair is white.

The Chairman said it was a most dangerous thing to do. He will be fined 16/6 and 16/6 costs.