Ten Bob a Week Luxury ‘Hotel’ (picture)

June 1970

South Yorkshire Times, Saturday, June 20th, 1970

Ten Bob a Week Luxury ‘Hotel’

ConIsbrough is to have a brand new “hotel” by next summer, built to cater for over a hundred “guests” with all mod cons available at only 10 bob a week.

Tenants will be able to take a room for the day at a cost of only two shillings, special rates for pensioners, and can look forward to individual attention of the highest order.

But here’s the snag . . . the hotel will be for budgies only.

For International Harvesters assembler Gordon Mills has decided that the town is not looking after its feathered friends properly in the holiday season — so he plans to build them a hotel.

100 birds

Gordon (22), already has over 100 budgies of his own in a backyard pen at 36, Ivanhoe Road, but the wood and wire mesh structure will be replaced by a brick and asbestos building.

Said father of two Gordon, “The hotel will be air-conditioned so that the budgies can thrive in the correct temperature. And each one will have individual attention.

“Of course there will be a menu to choose from, because you just can’t feed every budgie on the same thing. I shall have a little diet sheet outside every cage.”

Gordon, a member of the Mex-borough Cage Bird Society reckons the hotel can be built at a cost of £120. His present aviary is getting a little crowded—because there were only four birds to start with and now there are nearer a hundred and four.

Said Gordon, “As yet I don’t know if there is any call for a budgie hotel in the district, but I am trying to find out. I really want to make a go of this, though it will mean a lot more work than at present.”

“The tame budgies and the wild ones will have to be kept apart — and there is going to be a lot of cleaning to do!”