South Yorkshire Times, October 26, 1946
“Terra Witti De Warene.” In Coningesburg habuitt harold conn v. caracarts……”
So runs Conisbrough’s entry in Domesday book. The record office in Chancery Lane, London, have supplied Mr Philip Brocklesby, High Street, Conisbrough, secretary of the local branch of the British Legion, with two photos.copies, one negative and the other positive, of this Domesday book entry and also to further copies of the claims of the West Riding which include those of the town.
Through the interest of the well-known South Yorkshire antiquarian, Mr H. G. Baker, Grinnell House, Swinton, who has lent Mr Brocklesby books on archaeological lore of this district. Mr Brocklesby has been able to decipher through the translation given in Smith’s “History of Conisbrough Castle with glimpses of Ivanhoe land,” the Norman of the Domesday book.
“Land of William de Warene,” the entry reads. “In Conisbrough Earl Harold had four carucates of land to be taxed. There is land of five ploughs. William do Warren has now five ploughs in the demesne there; and 21 villanes, and 11 borders having 11 ploughs. There is a church and priest and two mills worth 32 shillings. Woold pasture 1 mile long and one abroad.
To the Manor’s belongings this Soke Rauensteld (Ravenfield), Cliftone (Clifton), Bradseuuelle, Wilfruuice (Wilsic), Herthil (Harthil) and Creuettone (Kiveton), Estone (Astone), Sandale (Sandal), Greseburg (Greasborough), Cuzeunde (Cusworth), Bramlel (Bramley), Actone (Aughton), Witestan (Whiston), Wemeford (Wandsworth), Domnitone (Dinnington), Steneford (Stainforth), Branuuite (Bramwith) Fixcale (Fishlake), Torne (Thorn), Tudeuunde (Tudworth), Hedfield (Hatfield), Stiresthorpe (Streethorpe), Sandela (Sandall) to be taxed together four score and six carucates and 15 acres. Land divides to 54 ploughs.”