Sheffield Evening Telegraph – Thursday 03 October 1889
Terrible Accident to a Man At Denaby.
Yesterday morning fatal accident occurred to a man named Smith of Doncaster, employed as a carpenter by Messrs. Arnold and Sons, of Doncaster, who are engaged in putting an immense smudge washing building at Denaby Main Colliery.
The poor fellow was engaged in a large hole which was being excavated for the reception of water which will be used in the process of washing smudge.
With him were other workmen, and it is said that one of them asked him to fasten a heavy iron bucket which is used to lift water out of the excavation, on to a chain worked by a crane outside. He did so, but only imperfectly, and when the bucket had ascended few yards the connection got loose, and the bucket fell with terrible force on the poor fellow’s bead, smashing his skull, and causing instantaneous death.
His body was removed to the Reresby Arms, where it awaits an inquest.
Smith was 24 years of age, and had only just been married. He lodged in Denaby, and went home every week end.