The “Bag-Dirt” Question – Meeting Of Association Executive.

June 1902

Sheffield Evening Telegraph – Monday 30 June 1902

Dispute at Denaby Main.

Meeting Of Association Executive.

At the Denaby and Cadeby Main Collieries about 4.000 are employed, and work is very regular, these pits sending the largest tonnage Hull compared with any mine the county.

For some time however, there has been much dissatisfaction expressed among a section of the men, owing to non-payment for the getting of what is known as “bag dirt.” At the same time there was strong expression of against the proposed 10 per cent, wage reduction. A resolution was unanimously yesterday the effect that inasmuch the management have refused to pay for bag dirt.” work cease at once.

A telegram this afternoon says:

The dispute which has occurred the Denaby Main Colliery resulting in the setting down the pit to-day is the revival of an old grievance. The position was discussed by the executive of the Yorkshire Miners’ Association to-day and a telegram was despatched to Denaby asking that meetings called and advising the men return work tomorrow.