Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Friday 11 May 1888
The Banks of the Dearne and Dun
The only persons who will view the Cadeby undertaking with feelings akin to dismay are the lovers the picturesque in Nature.
The hill of Cadeby frowns over one of the fairest scenes in Yorkshire. Looking across the Don, the keep of the fortress of Conisborough stands out in bold relief from the antiquated red-tiled houses in the clear atmosphere.
To the left the Don winds its way between lofty hills clothed with trees which grow almost to the water’s edge, and the scene is one to be ever remembered with delight. Whether Sprotborough and Warmsworth will share the fate which is predicted for Cadeby is open to conjecture, but there is reason to believe that at no distant date colliery chimneys, belching forth smoke, will blur the landscape from to Doncaster.
The vast majority the people who are the most interested in the development of the land of “Ivanhoe” will not care, however, for the sentimental aspect of the question, and will consider that the outlook for them is most fortunate one.
They are doubtless of the opinion, to slightly parody an ancient couplet, that
“The happiest people under the sun
Live close to the banks of the Dearne and Dun.”