The Denaby and Cadeby Main Strike – Three More Orders Made

November 1902

Mexborough and Swinton Times November 6 1902

The Denaby and Cadeby Main Strike

Three More Orders Made

At the Doncaster West Riding Police Court on Saturday, three more miner, who, in common with others, left their employment on the Denaby and Cadeby Main Colliery Company, without giving notice, and from whom the Colliery Company now claimed £6 damages.

Their names were: John Mahon and John Connell, miners, Denaby and Fred Smith, miner, Conisbrough. Only Swift appeared.

Mr W.M. Gichard prosecuted and said those cases were exactly similar to others that have been brought before the court. Swift’s case was in respect to the Denaby mine, and the other two in respect of the Cadeby colliery.

In reference to the Denaby mine the sum of £20 was still only cover, of which orders had not been made. In this regard to the Cadeby mine, the sum in respect of which orders had not been made was £330.

The total damage sustained as regards the Cadeby mine was £1,872, and that of £1,542 be made by orders, thus leaving £330 respect to which orders had not been made.

The usual orders were made.