The Denaby Assault

February 1893

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 03 February 1893

The Denaby Assault

John Fleming, of Denaby, was charged with refusing to quit the Reresby Arms, Denaby, and assaulting William Baugh, a waiter.

Mr H Hickmott prosecuted, and said that the case was adjourned from last week that defendant and a man named Hawley might be brought up before the magistrates. Hawley, who was much the worst offender, had absconded.

William Baughsaid that on January 14th there was some trouble in the public house because he thought Hawley Abbey stealing cigars; and when accused with the theft he became very violent. Glasses were smashed and whiskey thrown in the landlord’s face. Fleming was twice turned out, and when he came on again the second time, he struck witness in the face.

Fleming had offered to give witness £1 to settle the matter.

Fined 20 shillings and costs.