The Denaby Cricket Tour – Enjoyable Trip through the Country

June 1923

Mexborough & Swinton Times, June 02

The Denaby Cricket Tour

Enjoyable Trip Through the Country

The annual tour of the members of the Denaby and Cadeby cricket team, which was concluded on Sunday, proved a very enjoyable outing, though not favoured by the best of weather. Indeed, the party found the weather extremely variable, and, in consequence, their programme of matches en route suffered interference. The members of the team who took part in the tour were: Messrs. H. C. Harrison (captain), W. E. Narraway, G. Worthington, E. Tibbles, H. Shoosmith, R. M. Soar and I. Greenwood. In addition, Col. Barber (Doncaster) Major Nelson (Barnsley), Mr. F. W. Wynne (Inspector of Mines, Sheffield), and Messrs. T. Poole and J. White, of Mansfield, were included, and played in several matches. Mr. W. Still, manager of Denaby Main Colliery, Mr. H. Hulley, manager of Cadeby Colliery, and Mr. W. Dutton, also accompanied the party.


Starting from Denaby in three small cars, the journey to Mansfield was made, and a match was commenced at the Nottinghamshire town. The rain, however, stopped the play when Denaby had knocked down a couple of Mansfield´s wickets for 39 runs. The night was spent in Mansfield, and on Sunday, the party journeyed to Nuneaton, where the rest of the day was spent.


On Monday, Leamington was reached, and after an interesting day, the party returned to Nuneaton for the night, proceeding the next morning to Brackley, Northants.

The night was spent there, and the following morning the team journeyed to Oxford, where they were due to play a two days match with Keble College. The game was rained off the first day, and was not commenced until the Thursday.

The same evening the party motored from Oxford to London, where the night was spent. On Friday the team went to Beckenham to play a team representing the Mines Department.

Saturday was given to sight seeing in London, and the return journey was commenced at 11 o´clock on Sunday morning, Denaby being reached at 10 o´clock at night.