The Denaby Main “Ghost” – Singular Explanation

March 1889

Mexborough and Swinton Times March 22, 1889

The Denaby Main “Ghost”

Singular Explanation

The Denaby Main “ghost” has been laid, and it was done in a most singular manner.

The “haunted cottage” is one of a number which comprises Cliffe view and the front room, where the manifestations are said to have taken place, contain some ventilators placed in the flooring and having a egress outside through and iron grating.

A few nights ago the family were sitting down to tea, when once more they were thrown into the greatest consternation by the mysterious “rapping” which had been puzzle more than one local Spiritualist and reduced the mediums of the district to despair at being unable to interpret these messages from the other shore.

The inmates rushed out of the house in the greatest fright, but their fears were allayed and the mystery solved by what met their eyes.

It appears that for some time certain youths on their way to and from work at the neighbouring colliery have amused themselves by thrusting a clothes prop through the grating of the ventilator, which was open, and by pressing down on one end of the prop the other end has been prised up against the flooring of the front room under which the ventilator runs, and so long as the mysterious youngsters rattled the prop did the manifestation from the spirit world continue to the edification of the family and the assembled Spiritualists.

The affair has created unusual interest in the place, and the police had been called in to investigate the strange occurrence, but could make nothing of it.