The Denaby Main Miners.

August 1889

Sheffield Independent – Friday 30 August 1889

The Denaby Main Miners.

Last night the Denaby Main miners held another meeting, at the Lodge Boom, Mexbro’, but the proceedings, as on the previous night, were conducted in camera.

The object of the gathering was in reality to confirm the arrangements arrived at the previous night, when Mr. Cowey attended and guided the miners in their deliberations.

From statements of the employers, and the general feeling of the men, it is obvious that there is an undercurrent of dissatisfaction, which may, unless suppressed, result in a serious rapture.

Many of the man individually complain that they are not justly dealt with, and that unless these deficiencies are rectified, they will openly revolt. Meanwhile it is being endeavoured to effect a good relation between employer and employed.

The proposed alteration in respect to the Miners’ Permanent Belief Fund was also considered last night, and there was a prevalent opinion averse to paying an increase of a penny on the ordinary contributions. As stated in the Independent yesterday, it is thought the employers ought in fairness to assist the men in establishing the fund on a firm basis