The Fatal Accident at Denaby Main Colliery

October 1892

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 14 October 1892

The Fatal Accident at Denaby Main Colliery

Mr F.E.Nicholson, district coroner, held an inquest at the Station Hotel, Conisborough, on Monday afternoon, touching the accident by which a filler named John Salts met his death at Denaby Main Colliery on Thursday night.

Mr H.S.witty, assistant underground manager, represented the Colliery Company in the absence of Mr Chambers, and Mr Mellor, assistant Government Inspector, was also present.

Arthur Wright, miner, said that deceased was a filler at Denaby Main Colliery, and on Thursday last were working together. At the time of the accident, witness was engaged in sawing a prop whilst deceased was in the act of filling, when a piece of coal fell from the face and struck him on the back. The call which fell would weigh about three or four hundredweight. Witness managed to get one end of the piece off, and then call for assistance. A man named Rushton came and deceased was got out. He was quite dead.

In answer to Mr Mellor witness said there was not a “buttock” to the coal; it will be almost 11 inches in the top and 3 inches thick on the bottom. One end would almost be a foot and the other came out to a point. There was no loose end to it.

Enoch Sheldon, deputy, said he had been on the spot where the accident happened at 6.30 the same evening. There was nothing particular to notice about it. Piece of coal which throughout was sick at the top than at the bottom, and was a shade over hanging when witness saw it.

Mr H.S. Witty, assistant underground manager, stated that on Friday morning he was down the pits and inspected the spot where the deceased was killed. He found a large piece of coal which he was informed had knocked deceased down. His opinion of the accident was that it was caused through “a bump.”

The coroner thought the evidence indicated a pure accident and the jury concurred considering it unnecessary to call further evidence.

A verdict of “accidentally killed” was accordingly returned.

The jury consisted Mrs John Gibson (foreman), J Fletcher, Arthur Moody, William Jackson, William Martin, John Bancroft, W Heslam, John Williams, Arthur Milford and F Middleton.