Mexborough Times, 12 July
The Feast.
Last Sunday week, being the Sunday next following St Peter’s day, was held as Feast Sunday at Conisbrough. There were a goodly number of visitors on the Sunday, but nothing like the feast of some years ago.
For Monday and Tuesday, attractive galas were announced to be held, one in the field opposite the Read Line Hotel, and the other in a field near the Railway Station Hotel. The former was evidently far from popular, and was very scarcely patronise; although the landlord had secured the services of the highly popular “Swinton old band,” who played a choice selection of pieces at intervals, during the evenings of both days. In addition to the cricket matches, there was dancing, to the strains of the Masbro´ band, and the under mentioned sports.
130 yards novice handicap: prize £2 10s winner, J Armitage, A Fitzgeorge and Luke Hunter
High Pole Jump: prize 7s 6d winner unknown
running high jump: prize 7s 6d winner A Fitzgeorge
Running long jump: prize 7s 6d winner A Fitzgeorge
Handicap hurdle race first prize 15s winners Albert Wilson and Amos Rose
Throwing the cricket ball first prize 5s winner T Oxley, Enoch Dowen
Bowling at the wicket first prize 5 s winner unknown
and numerous other amusing sports .
There was the usual gathering of shooting galleries, swing boats, toy and sweet stalls near to each gala ground, anda fewnear to the Eagle and Child Inn, which in former years used to be the centre of attraction, but now seems almost deserted.
The depressed state of trade, was very apparent, and exercised a very salutary effect on men, who would otherwise have been “pouring spirits down to keep their spirits up.” The Streets on the whole were very quiet, and there was nothing near the amount of drunkenness and debauchery, that has characterised the festival in former years.
In one thing a great need of improvement was manifested. Amongst the many groups of respectably dressed young men, who thronged the streets, were many who seemed infatuated with the idea, that he who could give vent to the lowest expletive – the most indecent expression – the most vulgar and filthy oath, must be the most manly.
In this particular it is to be hoped, young men “will cease to do evil, and learn to do well.”
The weather throughout was all that could be desired