Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 21 November 1890
The Inquests at Cadeby – John Camm
The second inquiry was then held. This was on the body of John Camm. Thomas Camm, farmer, Cadeby, said the deceased was his son. He was a carter, and aged 31. He lived with witness. It was about six o’clock on Saturday night when he last saw him alive. He did not know then where his son was going to. He was in his usual health.
William Bradbury, farmer, living at the Ferry Farm, Conisborough, said he knew the deceased. He last saw him about twenty minutes past ten o’clock on Saturday night. He ferried the deceased across the river and saw him get off the boat, but saw nothing more of him. It was a foggy night, and bad to see. While they were dragging to get the one body out it was rumoured that there was another one in. He was assisting in the search until after twelve o’clock, but they did not find the body. It was after eleven o’clock when he first went to assist.
William Squires, recalled, said, so far as Camm was concerned he neither saw him nor heard him. Ile did not know that he was in the water till he was told. While they were looking for the body of the man, he saw a cap floating on the water and asked whose it was. It was recognised and witness said, “Then he’s here somewhere.” I shoved about with the hook and we found the body close to the locker.
The Coroner : It would be dangerous to anyone walking along the river that night—Yes ; I could not see and I had my lamp with me.
A juryman asked if the deceased was likely to have got over the canal before he got drowned.
Witness : He has always been in the habit of shouting, ” Heigh up!” or else ” Good night !” after getting across, and as we did not hear the sound that night my missus does not think he got over the bridge. Many people think that he may have turned to the left.
A verdict of ” Accidentally drowned ” was returned in this case also.