The Late Queen Mary – Conisbrough Memories

April 1953

South Yorkshire Times, April 3rd, 1953

The Late Queen Mary

Conisbrough Memories

Old miners in Denaby and Conisbrough, and families who were bereaved by the 1912 Cadeby Colliery explosion, will feel with the passing of Queen Mary—who was visiting the district at the time of the catastrophe —that they have lost a personal friend at Court.

In an interview with the “South. Yorkshire Times” this week, Mr. N. P. Lax, licensee of the Star Hotel. Conisbrough, recalled a chat he had with Queen Mary at a Royal garden party in 1948, which clearly illustrated her great interest in the people of this area.

“I was tremendously impressed by the interest she showed in the people of Denaby and the remarkable way she recalled the event which bad happened 36 years before,” he said. Queen Mary told Mr. Lax, “I was full of admiration for the fortitude the people showed at the time.”

Mr. Lax said she seemed to linger a long time with him, recalling the happenings of that terrible day; so, obviously clear in her mind.

Last week Mr. Lax entertained at the Star two regular Royal garden party guests, Sir Harold and Lady Fieldhouse, who were in Conisbrough to sell some property. “Myrtle Villa” – in Holywell Lane

When his guests checked in he was quite unaware who they were, and it was not until the following morning that he discovered their identity.

He found to his surprise that Lady Fieldhouse was a daughter of the first licensee of the Star, Mr. Harry Elliott, and had slept in the room she occupied as a child.

Mr. Lax, who has lived in London, exchanged some interesting reminiscences with his distinguished visitors.