The New Colliery at Conisbro’.

June 1890

Sheffield Independent – Friday 06 June 1890

The New Colliery at Conisbro’.

Consequent upon the accumulation of water while opening out the shaft in connection with the new colliery by the Denaby Main Colliery Company, at Conisbro’, although operations have been proceeding for a period of 15 months, the sinkers have only succeeded in getting 60 or 70 yards below the surface, and, calculating according to tins ratio, it is the opinion that two or three years may elapse before the coal can be brought to the surface.

The water is being removed from the shaft by six steam pumps at the rate of 16 tons a minute. The influx of water has been now mastered, and it is anticipated that when the workmen have got ten yards deeper, a firm layer of stone will be reached, then iron tubbing may keep out the water and the work will progress much more satisfactorily.

It is stated that the sinking of the adjoining colliery at Denaby cost about £100,000.