The New Medical Officer.

February 1891

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 20 February 1891

The New Medical Officer.

At the meeting of the Doncaster Board of Guardians on Saturday, Mr. Frank in the chair, a letter was read from Dr. Anthony McCall, dated the 13th instant, in which he said:

“ To the Chairman and Guardians of the Doncaster Union.


The post of medical officer of the Conisborough district of the Doncaster Union being resigned by Dr. Gills, I beg to offer myself as candidate for the same. I hold degrees of M.D. etc., which were gained with honours at Glasgow University, the highest qualification which can be obtained.

Should I have the honour of being appointed the medical officer, it will be my constant endeavour to carry out all the duties with efficiency and to the satisfaction of the guardians and to those to whom I may be called to attend. I have the honour to remain,

gentlemen, yours obediently,

Anthony McCall”

—The Chairman said copies of testimonials were also enclosed. Would the Guardians take them as read, or should he read them

Mr. Masters: I take it that the gentleman is resident in the district ?

Mr. Wainwright: He lives at Conisborough.

Mr. Gibson said it was an honour, once in a quarter of a century to have the opportunity of making an appointment for the Conisborough district, and now there was an opportunity of paying a graceful tribute to the memory of Dr. Hills, and of encouragement to him in retiring by appointing his successor to the office, and he hoped Dr. Anthony McCall would have the unanimous vote of the board. He moved that the Dr. be appointed the medical officer for the Conisborough District

The Chairman said that was the only application.

Mr. Tale seconded the motion, which was carried, the Chairman adding that it was of course subject to the sanction of the Local Government Board.